Sunday, September 2, 2012

Delicipes: Delicous Recipes from My Kitchen

Just to keep things simple, I started a recipe blog away from this blog. I know people that would prefer to read just recipes and nothing else from my life, so this makes it easier.

If you care to keep up with my kitchen, follow Delicipes - just be warned that postings are not regular and the majority of the recipes are "old" concoctions and things I've found online or in a book (with proper credits, of course) that are possibly altered.


If you have a recipe you think I might like, feel free to send me an email [delicipes-at-gmail-dot-com]. If you host a recipe site of your own, let me know; I will link it in the blog's right-hand column, and, if I use a recipe, you get an additional link-to in the post! (Have I mentioned how much I love trying new recipes?)

The Real House Maidens of Bugman's Best - UPDATE!

The season is almost half over! I need to schedule my week 5 game (the halfway point) and finish painting my girls. I've let other things take over my time with my girls and I shouldn't have; but that's my own fault and they are suffering for it (only five girls are completely painted and one girl is stuck at the half-dressed point). Not that it is affecting their game play! No, I still suck (my first season), but I am having a ton of fun - and that is what the game is all about, right?